Hire Only the Best to Handle Your Handyman Jobs

Schedule home repair services in Altoona, Hollidaysburg, PA or surrounding areas

Whether you're a busy parent with little free time or you can't tell one end of a wrench from the other, it's best to call a professional for household repairs. Contact Eppihimer Home Maintenance Management Inc., to arrange for home repair services from a knowledgeable handyman. We're committed to helping residents in Altoona, Hollidaysburg, PA and the surrounding area improve their homes. That's why we're proud to take on even the smallest of repair jobs. You can always turn to us for help.

Contact us today to schedule home maintenance services.

We'll make your repairs without charging a fortune

At Eppihimer Home Maintenance Management, we're dedicated to providing all of our clients with top-notch home repair services for a fair price. That's why we offer:

  • Free estimates, so you can be sure you're getting the best deal
  • Multi-job discounts, because we want to help you with all your repair needs
  • Veteran and senior discounts, to give back to our community
Call us now to learn more about our discounts and schedule home maintenance services.